
ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke
ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke

ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke

The wreck contained silver rupees, cannons, and other artifacts. In 1961, the pair discovered the remnants of a shipwreck in the Great Basses Reef, around the southern coast of Sri Lanka.

ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke

Both Clarke and Wilson would explore the sea around Sri Lanka.

ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke

He set up a diving business there with his associate Mike Wilson to support his hobby. In the late 1950s, Clarke moved to Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon) to indulge in his passion for scuba diving. For this entry, I want to pull back the curtain and show that before his death in 2008, Clarke had contact with the Smithsonian Institution, both directly and indirectly, throughout the years. In a previous blog post, I explored his relationship with the major movers and shakers in the realms of literature, entertainment, and science. With every box and folder that I have gone through, I have found surprising connections between Clarke and a variety of people and institutions that he became acquainted with throughout his long life. Over the past year, I completed the task of scanning and digitally ingesting the correspondence series from this collection and now these materials are available to researchers via the Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives. Clarke from his trust and estate in Colombo, Sri Lanka. In 2015, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum Archives acquired the personal papers of famed science fiction writer Arthur C.

ดุจดั่งอวตาร by Arthur C. Clarke